Oud Plectrum
Plectrums for Oud
Riversong Guitars and Philip Shaheen are pleased to introduce their new line of High Tech Wooden Oud Picks. The combination of unique materials used in the manufacture of our plectrums that produce feel andtones that plastic or wood alone can’t deliver.
In ancient times, wooden plectrums were the only plectrums that were used for playing the Oud. In the nineteen century A.D., “Zaryab” (789 – 857) replaced the Oud wooden plectrum with an eagle’s quill, for both its flexibility and strength, and it avoided the stiffness of the early rigid wooden “Mizrab” which caused damage to the gut strings.
Today, after 1200 years of absence, led by innovators Mike Miltimore of “Riversong Guitars” and Philip Shaheen of “Philip Shaheen Carbon Fibre Ouds”, the wooden plectrum is re-emerging thanks to the use of modern technologies and carefully selected materials.
The first of their kind in the world, these new plectrums, made of wood combined with advanced materials, produce feel and tones that other picks in the market can’t deliver and ensure great playability, strength and longevity.
FREE SHIPPING: May take up to 6 weeks with local delivery depending on the distance from Kamloops, BC, Canada. For EXPEDITED PAID Shipping please contact us at Lee's Music.